Which Way Should I Go?

Choose Which Way You Will Go

One of the hardest choices in the world is choosing which way you should go.  Maybe you have to choose where to live or which job to choose.  The decision could even harder than those.  Has your child ever been sick, and the doctors want you to choose a treatment path?  Neither seems great they both have risk, but you must choose one or the other.  When you come to a decision point in life, it is like approaching a fork in the road.  The left fork leads you down a path totally different than the right fork.  Which way should I choose? 

In the book of Genesis, we find that Abraham was faced with similar life choices.  In Genesis 12:1 we find God telling Abram (later his name will change to Abraham) to leave three things his country, his people and his father’s household and go to a land God would show him. Here the decision is to leave all that was familiar and follow God into the unknown or stay right there where life was comfortable.  This would mean Abram would have to trust in God alone.  No family or friends for support.  If Abram chose to follow God’s leading, God promised several things Genesis 12:2-3 God said:

·         I will make you a great nation

·         I will bless you

·         I will make your name great

·         You will be a blessing

·         I will bless those who bless you

·         Whoever curses you I will curse

·         All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

The bible records that Abram chose to follow God.  At some point Lot joined Abram and was moving with him.  God had done exactly what he said he would.  He had blessed Abram and Lot so much that the land could not support all the animals they were running together.  Abram knew that he would have to make a decision soon to separate from Lot but which way should he go?  In Genesis 13: 1-12 we find Abram has reached a point in his life that he understood God’s promise. 

The time had come.  Abram and Lot’s households needed to separate and go different directions.  Verse 6 tells us that the land could not support their combined households.  As a result, there were arguments between the herders.  Abram as the senior partner in the relationship had a right to choose the direction he wanted to go.  In verse 8 Abram approaches Lot to discuss how they should part company?  Notice that instead of Abram asserting his rank, his majority stock holdings, or his elder status he offered the choice of direction to Lot.  He told Lot if you go left, I will go right and if you go right, I will go left.  Lot looked around and picked the best country he could see.  Abram didn’t make the choice because he understood that the direction didn’t matter.  The decision to follow God is all that mattered.  Abram knew if he followed God, he would be blessed.  The direction didn’t mater as much as Abram staying with God. 

Today your choice should be the same.  Follow God and he will bless your path.  There are times when you feel you’re are being forced to make a decision.  Make the decision to follow God first then look at the earthly decision facing you.  I don’t know that the decision of where you live is ever as important as choosing to live with God.  God will bless you no matter where you live.  Proverbs 3: 5-6 tells us that if we trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean so much on our own understanding God will direct our paths.  Start choosing God first then look at your choices in life. 


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